The MOST  Popular Transformational Programs Bundled Together in a HUGE SALE...

This Is Officially Your Path To REAL Transformation...
I'm Taking My Most Popular Healing Products 
Out Of The Vault 
For A BLOWOUT  Pre-Black Friday Healing Sale! WOW!! Ends In...
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
From The Desk of Jennifer McLean:

Dear Seekers of Transformation (for you and the planet),

In the spirit of FULL TRANSPARENCY, I need a little extra capital as we end the year.

As a result, YOU'RE receiving a HUGE opportunity.

I'm taking my MOST POPULAR healing products out of the vault.

These are ones that thousands have used to make THE difference.

I am now packaging them together in a virtual audio and video library of profoundly sacred transformation.

And in advance of the Black Friday sales... I'm offering them to YOU at the most ROCK-BOTTOM prices.

These are some of my most powerful transformational products that have fundamentally set a new path of power, prosperity, and happiness for tens of thousands of individuals worldwide.

And now they are here for you.

Yep, you get to help me and let me support you at the same time.

Cool, huh?
Enormously likable, but unusually, a visionary, and a born and gifted teacher...

 Jennifer McLean is not just enormously likable, but unusual, a visionary, and a born and gifted teacher. As is a  pioneer in spiritual healing, she has become an elegant articulate master, a wise woman, a metaphysician. Through her programs, where once there were glimpses, doors now open wide to reveal new ways of being and operating in the world. Wounds heal, old hurts arise and fly away; vague ideas become clear, we become new and life noticeably improves. With this new lightness of being is more love, humor, silliness; everything is more enjoyable. I’ve started to listen to them again for what the new me can hear that the old me might have missed."

~ Melynda
Awakening Can Be  a Bit Intense!
With everything going on in the world, have you been feeling a little disconnected, like life doesn’t have as much meaning as it used to?

Have you almost given up on the chronic challenges of your life, whether it’s relationships, money, or health?

Then are there new acute upsets that are piling on?

Are you ready to throw your hands up and say, “I just don’t understand what I need to do to change this?”

The podcast-like products offered in this exclusive Pre-Black Friday clearance sale are not just “products,” they actually deliver:
  • The Most Powerful Clearings
  • The Most Advanced Transformation
  • The Most Practical & Potent Processes
  • The Most Proven Healings...
All packaged together to deliver the biggest and most significantly discounted set of healing creations I have ever offered.

I'm taking these special products out of the vault for a short time only... so they will likely never again be packaged together and available at this crazy Pre-Black Friday price!

Individually, these products directly address the daily challenges of living a happy, grounded, and fulfilled life.

Packaged together, they now become a powerhouse of change and transformation that you can use over and over again finding deep renewal and healing no matter the circumstance.

AND, they are on sale because the time has come to give you a chance to access these amazing and popular life-changing products.

I want YOU to receive... and help me in the process.

“Clearing out to make way for new” is a life principle, which, by the way, you will learn about through this package of products, and now apply it to your own life.

Yep, you will experience true, thorough, energetic clearing of old beliefs, perceptions, ways of thinking, and trauma-based emotions...
In 12 Hours Completely healed...

 I’ve been following you and did your healing exercise just a couple of times. I had a badly burned neck from a microwave accident and had a nasty, brown, weeping wound. Within 12 hours, the next day, my neck was completely, I mean completely healed. Not a sign of any scar... a miracle. I’d shown a friend who had seen the wound only 12 hours before and he was amazed. Thank you so much. Even my doctor was amazed......Truly grateful for your healing. Bless you." 

~ Rosemary Saunders (UK)
  • Truly releasing stress, anxiety & overwhelm
  • Manifesting graceful prosperity
  •  Healed relationships
  •  More money
  •  Instant sound vibration healing
  •  Mastering your life patterns
  •  Making sense of men...
And so much more - all found in this powerful and exclusive package.
Your Main Pre-Black Friday SALE...
So, let’s take this even deeper... picture in the coming weeks...
Product #1 - 21-Days Of Video Healing
Clearing, Cleaning, and Healing Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm...
One of my MOST POPULAR AND PROVEN programs is Freedom From Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm.

This is a 21-day program delivering daily 20 to 30-minute powerful healings and transformation. You can experience the course over 21 days or pick and choose what you may need at any given moment.

Think of this as a buffet of profound and comprehensive healing that is yours to tap into over and over again from this day forward.

These extreme times are creating extreme stress...
The physical and emotional reactions to that stress influence your health, prosperity, and relationships.

And this program not only helps you cope but actually supports you to heal and even thrive in upsetting circumstances.

In fact, there is a way to heal the neural pathways in your brain to create such a powerful transformation....

That miracles show up (for you and all). 

If you are ready to:
  • Stop the madness: Heal and move through life at a saner safer pace
  •  Dissolve the overwhelm: Truly transform into a life experience with more trust, faith and flow that actually create new solutions and resources.
  • Release the anxiety: And attune to a more potent version of you. One you may have given up on.
  •  Contribute: Make a difference to you, friends, family and the planet by healing together in community.
  •  Receive a special BONUS initiation attunement into freedom: Like reiki attunements, this potent personal energetic key will ignite your portal of freedom.
It's all waiting for you as soon as you register. You will undergo 21 straight days of this healing intensive, experiencing my popular Spontaneous Transformation Technique Healing System.

Joining a community of like-minded individuals, you will create a new dialog for yourself, for your friends, family, and the planet...

Together we are going to heal, transform and create new neural pathways, new beliefs, new possibilities of real freedom.

With more than 800 in-training certified practitioners, my proven, gentle easy-to-do Spontaneous Transformation system of healing has created instant change for hundreds of thousands around the globe.

You will receive these healing sessions in a practice of 21 consecutive days with the option of experiencing them in any order that feels right, when you need them (the audios & videos are waiting for you just as soon as your register).
What's Included In Transformational Healing Product Number #1:  Freedom From Stress
Mp3 Download
  •  21 individual 20 to 30-minute transformational videos - a library of powerful stress healing!
  •  Transcripts of each of the 21-Day Healing Sessions - To support different learning styles and more deeply assimilate the information, steps, and advanced materials.
  •  Audio Mp3 Downloads of all 21 Sessions - To revisit over and over... always at your fingertips just when you need it.
  •  Videos of each healing session to watch again and again.
  •  A Special 21-Day "Listening Salon"- To take in the content live as well as access your downloads, transcripts, learning materials, and videos. So, if you can't make it live, NO WORRIES! It's waiting here for you.
  • ​PLUS BONUS: Download & Own "The Attunement of Freedom" – you receive this energetic key that unlocks your dormant energy of freedom… to use over and over, opening up your new platform of personal power and freedom for permanent change.
Product #2 - Profound Podcast-Like Audios 
Soul Mastery- Transforming Your Life Patterns
Imagine... going to the deepest internal places of mastery.

Then tapping into and truly seeing the patterns of your soul so clearly that your life now seems to make sense.

So deeply, that you can now tug at the “strings” of these soul patterns and re-work them, massage them, re-pattern them to create a whole new platform of living.

And this new platform of soul experiences now comes from the place of ease and grace of profound inner knowing...

And, with that knowing, a profound sense of inner peace, calm, relief, and SAFETY.

This is yours from my once-in-a-lifetime work, "Soul Threads", which is also part of this summer clearance package.

[NOTE: This program ALSO includes my renowned channeled Soul Songs of sound vibration transformation.]
Through this remarkable program, you will be able to:
  •  Cope with what life shows you - Manage the stresses and perceived challenges as you know, see, and play with them through the eyes of your soul pattern.
  •  Release the pattern to have it rather than "it" having "you" - See your patterns showing up, instead of being surprised by them, and create a new sense of ease in your life.
  •  HEALTH: Undergo a Soul Re-patterning to address disease and physical illness... and claim vitality and health.
  •  RELATIONSHIPS: Access a full audio sequence to support your relationships. As you address any challenges, past or present, that may have you feeling stuck, guilty, or betrayed, you'll also release them in graceful yet profound ways.
  •   PROSPERITY: Plus you'll also receive a potent financial healing that reveals the patterns of lack to pluck and unravel into a new state of expansion and flow.
This high-vibrating program is a deep, therapeutic and transformational tool that allows you to feel and sense the power that your patterns deliver, FREEING YOU from each pattern as you transform it with conscious awareness.

Inventive, creative, and powerful, each audio guides you to a place of healing and opening where you can then discover the gifts of your soul thread patterns.
Each audio also includes my renowned sound vibration Soul Songs in flute and voice, adding high-vibrational frequencies of transformational energies to assist you on your journey.

These sessions are imbued with high-frequency encoded energies that nudge your 3-dimensional cellular structure into remembering your soul thread patterns and enlivening them to be a new creative force of your empowerment.
Product #3 Podcast-Like Audios
Powerful Relationship Healing
This is your opportunity to build the relationships you’ve always wanted.

You are about to erase all disappointment and confusion when it comes to interacting with men.

Imagine truly finding a place of enjoyment, trust, and love without conditions?!?

Yep, now you can truly “make sense of men” while also discovering remarkable new things about yourself.

In fact, you can take this profoundly transforming material and go beyond just relating to men and also change your relationship with yourself... and all.

This is your chance to live in harmony with all of humanity.

Jump in and play with the sacred and supportive energies of this world as I lead you through a series of thoroughly eye-opening workshops.

YOU reap all the benefits of my year-long study and dedication as an apprentice to Alison Armstrong’s life-changing material through her PAX program.

Play and GROW through my commitment to understanding the Masculine and Feminine.

The information and insights you are about to receive completely transformed my life.

Frankly, I didn't like men; I didn't understand them and I didn't feel safe with them.

The information you are about to receive is what completely changed that paradigm for me.

I now have the most amazing men in my life who honor, respect, and support me completely.

And it's not because they changed; it's because I changed.

Imagine being able to actually understand men so profoundly that YOU...
  •  Get what you need.
  •  Feel in command of your relationship with any man in your life.
  •  And your relationships with all the protector/provider men in your life become healthier, stronger and just more fun.
If you are a man reading this, the insights and teachings offered on this program will enable you to understand yourself at a deeper level.

I promise this program could just change it all when it comes to your relationship with men (and with yourself)!
  • Module 1: Listening to Learn - A potent new insight that will completely change the dynamic of your perception of any man... and your relationship with him.
  •  Module 2: The Effects of Safety - A powerful and important topic that will have you truly and, maybe for the first time, positively feeling safe in your life and relationships.
  •  Module 3: Attraction & Chemistry - Understand what it is that attracts a man, why you may or may not be attracted, and why chemistry can actually be dangerous.
  •  Module 4: Overcoming and Using Criticism - Would you believe that when we think men are criticizing, they may be doing something completely different? This one will have you doing a forehead slap with the simplicity of how it will change things in an instant.
  •  Module 5: Protector/Provider Support/Enhancer - One of the most profound things I've learned about men and how you can help them help you in the most amazing ways.
  •  Module 6: Emasculation & Objectification - What we may have been doing to them and why they may do the same to us in their way.
  •  Module 7: Noble Healing - A profound and potent tool in your healing handbook to heal your relationships.
  •  Module 8: Human-Animal / Human Spirit & “Enough” - This one thing can completely change your mind about how powerful you are and how you have what it takes to truly change and transform any relationship.
This is truly the most original content I have ever come across when it comes to healing relationships.

It is simple and super easy to apply instantly... and you'll see immediate change.

I'm so excited to have you apply it to your relationships with men and experience happiness in relationships.

I promise not only the men in your life will be noticing the difference but you will be in a new place of calm, love and possibility with all of life.
Product #4 - 21 Profound Videos
Money & Prosperity Healing Intensive
There is a new path waiting for you...

And it starts with knowing the deep-seated reasons why your life, your circumstances, your reactions are what they are around money.

This is your chance to finally understand the process to instantly change your behaviors that establish a brand new way of manifesting prosperity.

Through my Spontaneous Transformation Technique, the system that unwinds old beliefs and creates new neural pathways for accelerated change into peace, freedom, health and wealth...

As well as some additional healing support I have in my bag of healing tools...

You will undergo 21 Days of transformational money breakthroughs.

Imagine, in just under a month from now...

You have a true abiding sense of trust and faith in what's here for you and what's next.

You feel like you are secure no matter what shows up as you become a magnetizer, manifesting prosperity with true grace.

Your 21 straight days of quantum transformational money healings will break down and unwind your:
  •   Protection mechanisms you've unknowingly employed which actually create obstacles to money
  •  Family influences that have impacted your subconscious default beliefs about receiving
  •  Ancestral habits in your cellular memory that are blocking prosperity
  •  Parental "installations" that are running things in your unconscious memory stopping the flow of abundance
Together we will unwind, unpack, heal up ANY unconscious mechanisms stopping your money, prosperity, abundance, financial wealth and security!

And you'll experience it all through my now renowned 21 Days of Money & Prosperity Healing.

This is here if you are ready to break your "habit" of lack...

And release the accompanying worry and "un-security" that go with constantly feeling like "it isn't coming in."

This is YOUR CHANCE… AND… I have been waiting for YOU.
Through this remarkable program, you'll receive...
  • 21-Days of Daily Healing into prosperity - Each day, we will move through profound healing transformation, building the healing to establish your financial freedom and security.
  •  Your Prosperity Attunement - An initiation and opening into the prosperity "frequency" to create a permanent blueprint of prosperity.
  •  Powerful Prosperity Journal delivers remarkable insights about what may be holding your expanded prosperity back.
  •  Transcripts of each of your 21 healings so you can read and use different aspects of what you're learning to deeply assimilate your money transformation.
  •  Video recordings of each healing if your preferred learning style is visual.
  •  Audio Mp3 Downloads of all 21 Days to revisit over and over... your library of money healings, always at your fingertips just when you need it.
  •  A Special "Listening Salon" to access your downloads, transcripts, and videos permanently.
  •  Bonus INTERACTIVE Healing Workshop - Recieve layer upon layer of personal healing of your money challenges.
You are about to discover the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the clear path to your financial freedom.

Consider this a bit of a money "clean slate." 

No matter how many times you've seemingly struggled or failed to achieve prosperity in the past…
Through our 21 Days of continuous money transformation, you will reconnect to the abundance of your soul's source.

...And propel yourself faster than you ever imagined possible.

You’ll receive the exact healing, insights, and formula for becoming something you thought reserved only for the "lucky ones."

The simple yet profound insights you’ll engage in PLUS the healing and transformation will empower you to tap into the energetic signature of YOU and YOUR abundance.

THEN, we will turn on that Prosperity Frequency even more as you are initiated with the Prosperity Attunement!

Just like Reiki, but for prosperity, you will receive an attunement that acts like and energetic key, opening you to your birthright of prosperity. 

This will be a deep and financially meaningful and palpable experience, and things will look brighter after your attunement.
THAT is your Pre-Black Friday  Blowout Package! WOW!
A beautiful soul and a huge, huge heart...

 There are no words to describe Jennifer or her wonderful divine calling. She has such a beautiful soul and a huge, huge heart – she is honest and real - her service as a mind-whisperer will save our planet and inspire thousands and millions. I was so happy feeling how Jennifer is working during the calls, how the energy was shifting for the whole group and it felt like family reconnected. My personal observation: I recognized peace, love, and light again, true calmness in stressful situations, a relaxed and optimistic mind, fresh courage, fearlessness, new contacts and possibilities, and kindness to what I previously thought were bad people. thank you Jennifer”

~ Julia-Maria
NOTE: About The Spontaneous Transformation Technique Frequencies
***A Part Of All Products in This Blowout Pre-Black Friday Package***
The Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) is my system of healing that has been creating buzz around the globe, helping hundreds of thousands unwind the core beliefs that have kept them hostage.

All the products in this blowout sale are based on this proven modality of transformation and the frequencies are included in each of the programs offered.

STT will assist you in unwinding core beliefs and align with your soul’s innate expression as you create new, positive, life-affirming neural pathways that take over the subconscious and create a wide-open and fulfilling life.

The guided meditations, cognitive exercises, energy attunements, and soul voyages found in this package are all infused with the STT frequency...

To restore balanced energy distribution to the body and mind, and align the spirit with its natural state of power, self-love, and self-acceptance.

In more than 25 years of guiding hundreds of thousands worldwide to safely address previously inaccessible emotions, I have found that everyone experiences trauma at some point. 

This trauma triggers reactive feelings and emotions, establishing beliefs that we consciously and subconsciously use to navigate through life.

These beliefs not only limit our perception of life itself, but they also impede the energetic flow and natural functionality of emotions and the physical body. 

Science agrees that lifelong emotional anguish and the stress it causes have a direct link to physical disease.

Through these popular products, you will transmute your deepest fears, core blocks, and old beliefs into new levels of alignment, balance, growth, and vitality as your deepest and truest you.

[Note: The STT system was formerly called Body Dialoging. You may hear that reference mentioned in the audios.]
Access My Most Powerful & Popular Healing Programs with This HUGELY DISCOUNTED Pre-Black Friday Blowout Sale...
Normally Over $800 Retail!
I have poured myself into these workshops, which make up this offer, so YOU can manifest as you were designed to.

This is a unique opportunity to leverage my present circumstances, and even support me as I support you in progressing passed the limitations and perceived boundaries of your life...

And blossom into the miraculous individual you have always been.

Remember, these tools are ENCODED WITH THE HIGHEST VIBRATIONS and imbued with the Spontaneous Transformation Frequencies...

And are only available in THIS PACKAGE, RIGHT HERE at an amazing limited-time discount. 

They’re all yours for personal transformation, so please take full advantage.

And move into your birthright, into your abundance, health, love, and the life that you desired for so many years.

Simply "add to cart" by clicking the button below and embrace your divine possibility. 
 Through Jennifer's program, I feel so different. I feel abundant , alive and ready for the next part of my journey. Thank you so much!  Feeling Free"

~ Jodi in Texas
Your Exclusive Pre-Black Friday Blowout Package Includes...
  •  Clearing, Cleaning, and Healing Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm: 21 total sessions for healing into calm, peace and possibility
  •  Re-Patterning Your Soul: Powerful soul thread pattern-breaking healing focused on health, relationships, & financial wellbeing
  •  Making Sense Of Men: Your "Understand Men with Jenn" 8-module program
  • Money & Prosperity Healing Intensive: A life-changing library of money healing to use whenever you need it
  •  HUGE discounted "out-of-the-vault package": Receive my best, most proven and popular programs
  •  Help me with end-of-year expenses: A needed sale for my business... I can support YOU as you help me. (Thank you!)
  •  Spontaneous Transformation Technique frequencies: These potent & sacred energies are found throughout all products 

NOTE: Works Best With a Computer...

Retail of 

Over $800

Yours For Only
An 96% Discount!

NOTE: No Refunds on this sale it is too good of a deal!

Sale Ends In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
As soon as you register, you'll be taken to a page with your download links...
Just as soon as you register, you will be taken to the download page where you can dive right in and immediately start your healing.

Be sure to bookmark that download page!

I'm thrilled that you get to receive my most popular products at an all-time low price!

And thanks in advance for helping me... phew!

PLUS,  watch your email for details about your downloads so you have it for future reference.

Keep support@mcleanmasterworks in your white list/contacts to receive emails about this offering.
My Personal Guarantee
If, for any reason, you don’t feel satisfied with what you receive...

If this package doesn't deliver as expected...

Just let me know within 15 days of purchase and we will completely refund your money...


Does that sound fair?

I want you to feel confident that you have the tools, used by thousands to bring healing into their lives, to heal your own being.

So, I’m giving you this program COMPLETELY RISK-FREE!
In deep gratitude and love,
Jennifer McLean
CEO, McLean MasterWorks
Healer, Author, Transformational Change Agent
Creator, Spontaneous Transformation Technique
© 2007-2022 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by  McLean MasterWorks, 
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660 - 847-386-1464 - Customer Support

The information provided through McLean Masterworks and its guests is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or in these products is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, nor intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.